Have a look at last weeks blog and see if you can spot the additions Chairman Keith has made to the weighbridge for his O gauge layout.
Another addition built by yours truly for the O gauge layout we take to various organisations to assist with bringing back memories. Made from an LCut laser kit kindly donated by the manufacturer specifically for this layout along with an engine shed and goods depot. You will probably notice the wonky finial on roof which will be straightened at some point!!! The strange item poking out from behind the stove chimney is a light for the interior illumination hopefully hidden from view.
Close up photos tend to show up a few painting misdemeanors that will remain concealed when roof fixed. Anyone concerned that the dials on instruments have not been painted is more than welcome to rectify the fact. Even O gauge is a challenge to the eyesight as one ages despite the Optician's best efforts.
Next up a photo of Dave's now illuminated station building he has been labouring away at for last couple of club nights. Very smart too!! Dave really details his models well.
Yes we are short of photos this week as someone forgot to charge up his phone.....................