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New 0n30 Layout in a Box + Coach Repair


Dave W has purchased three baseboards which will individually fit and be stored in strong 22 litre plastic boxes. Baseboards constructed and undercoated in white paint in readiness for planning and laying of track. A few options being considered from freelance and printed plans.

View of Bachmann On30 bogie coach demonstrating the size of stock in comparison to the width & height of baseboard.

Dave R continues with the mechanics of fitting a motorised drawbridge to the castle.

It works, now for final landscaping still leaving access should the need arise.

Having heard of computer planning software for model railway layouts but never really seen it Richard gave me a short demonstration of how it worked. Hmm, very impressed compared to my cutting out photocopied point plans and trying to arrange them only to have a draught re-arrange their positions.

Dave K attempting to build a Dapol four wheel tanker with a broken solebar.

Richard H is building a three storey O gauge warehouse kit bought on Ebay as a scratch aid. Will be good to keep up with progress Richard!

Alan C been adding to his collection of narrow gauge 7mm Narrow Gauge Southern (Lynton & Barnstable) 0.16.5 recently been released by Lionheart/Dapol.

Keith S & Brian S fixed the water tower and coaling stage to O gauge Fenland Yard layout.

Bob treated himself to an O gauge Dapol Stroudley 4-wheel main line oil lit composite mahogany coach. Noticing a red wire under one coupling thought it needed investigating to see if lights were fitted. Following day Bob spent putting the pieces back together after removing the screws!!!

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