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  • marchdmrc

Everyone is Busy......Except One!!

Len putting finishing touches to the coaster in 7mm scale.

Alan adding a tide line to harbour where the coaster will be loaded.

Keith and Ken continue the planning for the brickyard layout.

Jerry continues with working on locos requiring attention.

Bob and Richard tidying up and fitting lights to Nene Sidings in readiness for Bressingham Steam Museum Exhibition on September 24th.

Trevor and Steve plotting next move on constructing the O gauge kit of Mallard.

Stewart still making progress on painting.

David deciding next move on the O gauge Goods Shed and Glyn busy scribing 1mm plywood for a 7mm fence at rear of his new layout.

Dave working steadily on his drawbridge and portcullis for his castle. Coming along great!

Well David is promoting the family good will message while busy studying a magazine........

He was busy later, honest!

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