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Cyber Monday Bargains Test Track Running


The club end of month test track running night nicely coincided with deliveries from Black Friday and Cyber Monday - so many cliches describing possible bargains!

A very nice Dapol 48xx with dcc sound and Autocoach with lighting in early Great Western livery strutted proudly round the track. Only received this today courtesy of Royal Mail there was insufficient time to look at populating the coach with passengers and loco with a crew.

Hornby 00 gauge 'The Flying Dutchman'. Another Great Western Region locomotive named Dean Single 4-2-2 'Royal Sovereign' with three small 4 wheel coaches. Should have been pulling three Clerestory coaches as part of a set but someone swapped them around between 'Royal Sovereign' and GWR 0-6-0 loco number 3217 (nearly fooled me). Furthermore a later swap for GWR 2-6-0 loco number 9319.

The actual purchased set from Hornby.

Jerry brought in a smallish American On30 locomotive to stretch its legs. A few circuits and it went home with new owner David to add to his collection for his new layout he is in process of building. Hopefully David will provide us with some photos of progress.

A 00 gauge diesel loco, made for the GWR, of the Warship Class wearing later British Railways crest D805 named 'Benbow'.

Other members spent a busy evening between running trains working on club layouts.

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