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Club Night


Another busy night this week with organising layouts and refreshments in preparation for our Open Day on 26th October. Only five weeks to go...................................

First off, our new junior member Luke has been busy ballasting the final piece of track adjacent to the warehouse loading bay on our O gauge Fenland Yard. Made a really neat job including application of ballast adhesive.

Alan and Steve were busy adding a little height to lighthouse on Ardgowan the 7mm narrow gauge quarry layout.

Bob and Andy still trying to solve the electrical spiderweb under

Secretary Stewart destroying a perfectly good Bachmann coach before applying Comet Coaches finely etched brass overlays to turn it into the Cutler dining set which ran on LNER metals.

Next we have Steve our treasurer balancing the books before starting his tasks for the evening. Needs a good strong tea as aid to concentration.

Richard number one making steady progress fixing front & rear doors to his O gauge Petite Properties station building.

Ed fixing coach seats to his kit build 7mm narrow gauge project.

Richard number two changing cv's on his newly acquired Hornby steam loco Liverpool & Manchester 0-4-2 'Tiger' he has tonight fitted with DCC sound

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