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Wednesday 31st August - Four weeks to go and action on test track!


First off a reminder with four weeks to go to our Open Day. Planning is well in hand and looking forward to meeting our visitors. Come and see what we get up to on club nights - some railway modelling has been known on odd occasions!!

Following last weeks blog someone sent this asking if Keith would adopt this method if he moved up to a larger scale with his 'cut & shut' of Hornby Princess.

Alan has completed his new 7mm narrow gauge locos with only a nameplate to purchase for the diesel.

Ensuring the O gauge circuit on new test track cleared the 00 track. This 'testing' went on for quite a while pushing coaches round. Heaven knows what will happen when they try an actual loco!!!!

Dave, Brian & Peter try to concentrate on laying the 00 track circuits while being interrupted by coaches pushed round during 'testing'.

Finally, it is the Gauge O Guild show at Stafford Showground this weekend and some members will be there spending their pocket money on goodies for their layouts. This will be the first Guildex Show since lockdown. Heating, eating and lighting will take a back seat in their thoughts as they let the moths out of wallet hibernation.

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