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Test Track Inundated!!


Keith showing & testing his new Hornby Eurostar 'Yellow Submarine' train set bought in time for his latest special display he makes each Christmas.

Next is Bob's O gauge sound Sentinel with box van and tank wagon. In the backgound another loco performing circuits and this continued for the rest of the evening including Alans very ancient early diesel which managed to stink the room out with dust, oil and muck as it warmed up!!

Ed proudly displaying his very large version of Stephensons Rocket. Needless to say we didn't build the test track to take this enormous scale loco. Also Ed brought in his latest bargain buy of a boxed Hornby limited edition Class T9,4-4-0 loco in LSWR livery. A very attractive colour and loco.

Alan has obtained the version of Flying Scotsman loco with cowcatcher fitted and observation coach which visited America and wowed the inhabitants.

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March, Cambs                                                                March & District Model Railway Club.

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