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Dave has designed a poster for the prize draw at our exhibition on Saturday March 11th. Prizes include a Dapol O gauge 5-plank wagon, three Hornby wagons, three Dapol Kitmaster kits, 00 & N scale Metcalfe card construction kits, tickets for future events and many others for winning.

Third Wednesday in month is test track running for all members to bring up their latest acquisitions for running in and testing.

A couple of rarer trains from Jerry.

Next up is another 'find' from Keith as a locomotive and coach.

Richards very nice O gauge 0-6-0T Class A1X 'Terrier' in Southern Olive Green. It has been good to see Richard again after a period of absence but his jokes have not improved any!!!!

You have perhaps guessed if it is a quirky item in 7mm Narrow Gauge {or in this case American On30 1:48 scale) it can only belong to Alan. It is a silver & black rail bus & trailer with full interior detail and lights which often were utilised where passenger traffic was light. Alan says he will put a sound chip in and repaint it in less garish colours although I think it looks the part and would build a new logging layout with tall redwood trees to run it on.

Two photos of three O gauge wagons which Bob picked up for a bargain price complete with loads from the BRM Model Railway Show weekend at Doncaster Racecourse. Many of our members visiting the show took advantage of similar well priced (cheap) O gauge wagons and trackside items on offer.

Hmmm, must own up, me too......... a kit built beauty already made up that I couldn't resist! Runs & finished perfectly, a credit to the builder.

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March, Cambs                                                                March & District Model Railway Club.

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