The O gauge layout the club uses on visits to people in Care Homes and similar venues is receiving some attention by fixing down the signal box and various items in preparation for landscaping to bring it to life. This should bring more pleasure to people when reminiscing about their younger days seeing, hearing and sometimes working on steam locos in their heyday in and around March. Very often they recall when it was an important railway town and one of the largest marshalling yards in the country. Members have great pleasure meeting people and receiving good feedback from those smiling, laughing and telling tales when remembering the 'good old days'.

Model of the quarry stone loading device in Ardgowan harbour is proceeding well with a test fitting by Alan and Steve. The Harbourmasters's office and part of the street scene behind the harbour wall is seen in the background. A ship will sit over the plughole in the water where unloaded stone will fall into a receptacle below the baseboard in order for it to be passed back to the quarry face for loading again into skips and transporting along the line to the harbour and so on.

Dave R working on dimensions and designs for making a scratchbuild portcullis, gate and drawbridge for his castle.

Alan will be busy soon preparing his 7mm narrow gauge 'North Level' layout for display at Bressingham Museum exhibition on 9th July 2023. Following on, club layouts ''Nene Sidings and 'March in Time' will be appearing later in the year at Bressingham's all scales railway model exhibition on 24th September 2023. Between those dates 'March in Time' will be appearing at Letchworth's model railway show on 22nd July 2023.
